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Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : mar. 3 mai 2016 20:42
par gurukos

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Thank you soooo much but i think this is not for my tablet.
This is the only firmware they have there and it's for Vi8 Plus.
Here is the link and take a look at it.

Thank you again anyway, you are so kind!

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : mar. 3 mai 2016 20:49
par npoupine
It is for Vi8 +, is it correct?

Download has launch, it will come this nignt ;)

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : mar. 3 mai 2016 21:02
par gurukos
Hold on npoupine!
I 've found something VEEERY close to mine.
My bios ver. is CHUWI2.D86JHBNR02 and i just found a link
on mediafire for CHUWI2.D86JHBNR01.
The difference is only the last digit. I 'll give it a try tommorow (if i have the microHDMI adaptor)
and i'll let you know right away!
The link for that is: ... HBNR01.rar

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : mar. 3 mai 2016 21:06
par gurukos
merci beaucoup et bonne nuit

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : jeu. 5 mai 2016 07:25
par gurukos
Hello and good morning from Greece!
Guys I desperatelly need some help here...

I found a better bios (i believe so) for my tablet (Vi8 Dual) and now I don't seem to find a way to flash it.
My tablet now is on black screen, after a wrong bios flash. I see picture if I connect it to a tv through HDMI,
but only when it get into Android...
Not before. When i press the power button i don't have picture through the HDMI as i expected. So I can't
see the boot menu to get in and flash the new bios and fix it.
Do you now something i can do? A trick to get into boot menu and have hdmi screen?
Or maybe a tool to flash the bios from the working android part?

I read here and there, that some people had flashed a wrong bios and fixed it using this hdmi method but i don't
know if they could get to Windows and flash it or they could see the boot menu at the beginning...

For the moment my tablet has only the one OS. Only Android for now. I was trying to make it dual OS as it was before and started flashing the bios, installing android and the next step was to install windows also, but now without screen i am stuck on black screen
and only Android through HDMI...

Any ideas pleeeasseee...


Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : jeu. 5 mai 2016 08:08
par npoupine
I sent you a private message, but it is for the first request. For now, I can't help you, sorry.

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : jeu. 5 mai 2016 10:46
par gurukos
I confirm that the last link ( ... HBNR01.rar) with the BIOS for Dual Vi8 with serial xxx22150600xxx
is working great! My tablet (its lcd) is finally working!
Also many many thanx to npoupine for its great cooperation and kindness!

Cheers to all!

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : dim. 29 mai 2016 18:07
par ziziviolet
Bonjour ,
j'ai récemment utilisé ce tuto pour flashé ma tablette chuwi vi8 elle a les 2 OS (windows et android) installeé d'origine , c'est une "edition super +" ( je crois je n'en suis pas sur) , je n'ai fait que la partie pour installer Android , depuis j'ai un soucis avec le tactile , il ne fonctionne plus du tout , Que faire?

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : dim. 29 mai 2016 18:45
par npoupine

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : dim. 29 mai 2016 18:58
par ziziviolet
Merci de ta réponse pensais les installation indépendante l'une de l'autre !
C'est donc normal que mon tactile ne fonctionne pas sous android a ce stade?

Re: [Chuwi Vi8] (Dual OS) - Flash Bios Android Windows 8.1

Posté : dim. 29 mai 2016 19:38
par npoupine